About Us

In the milanese cultural context since 1992, the gallery is located in the heart of the historical centre.

lt promotes the work of Domenico Colanzi and it participates to several both national and international exhibitions.


Visit the official website
 Domenico Colanzi

© Il Segno Galleria d'Arte. All rights reserved

Art exhibitions

The Gallery Il Segno has participated in several international and national exhibitions:


Artexpo New York (U.S.A)

Art Basel (Switzerland)

Lineart Gent’ (Belgium)

Shanghai Art Fair (China)

Gallerie Art&style Montreal (Canada)

Art Jonction Cannes (France)

Europ ‘Art. Genève (Switzerland)

Classic Kortrijk (Belgium)

Internazionale d’arte contemporanea Londra (UK)

Internazionale d’arte Cologne (Germany)

Art Hamburt (Germany)

Salon de l’Art Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Art Copenhagen (Denmark)

Oslo Art Fair (Norway)

Stockolm Art Fair (Sweden)

Puro Arte Vigo (Spain)

Palazzo delle Belle Arti ed Esposizione Permanente, Milano Arte (Italy)

KunStart, Bolzano (Italy)

Expo Arte, Bari (Italy)

Altissima Torino (Italy)

Museo Civico Arengario, Monza (Italy)

Internazionale D’Arte Contemporanea, Milano (Italy)

Salone internazionale Verona (Italy)

© Il Segno Galleria d'Arte. All rights reserved


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Via dell’Orso, 1
20121 Milano


From to Tuesday to Saturday
10.30 – 12.30
16.00 – 19.00
Monday and Sunday
15.30 – 19.00


Tel +39 02 87.72.31
Mob. +39 335.66.01.221
Email info@arteilsegno.it


VAT number:
IT 00099040966

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© Il Segno Galleria d'Arte. All rights reserved


Via dell’Orso, 1 – 20121 Milano – Italia – Tel. +39 02 87.72.31 – Fax +39 02 – email info@arteilsegno.it